
Unlike many types of art which are additive in nature (you have a blank canvas and you add paint and stuff to it), photography is subtractive: take the world around you, select a portion of it to frame up and hit the shutter button. These are some of the selections I’ve made from around the world:

What’s Your Best Travel Camera? 6 Tips

Of all of the questions I’ve gotten about travel, “JKev, I’m going to blahblah place, and I want to take good photos, what camera should I choose?” is probably the most asked question. There are so, so, so many cameras on the market for the average Joe photographer,...

6 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Photo Hike (or Run)

If you want to get those eye-watering, amazing landscape photos - perspectives that you don’t see anywhere else - you usually have to work for it. That means hoofing it to far-reaching corners of the earth, away from the tour buses, away from the selfie sticks, away...

Adventure Inspiration: Torres Del Paine

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the landscape of Torres Del Paine is worth a thousand pictures. Here's some inspiration for your next adventure planning session! Need more info about hiking the "W" in Torres Del Paine? Check out my how-to guide for...

Photo Friday: Sunset in Havana Vieja

Havana Vieja, or Old Havana, is indicative of many old European cities: Seemingly endless edifices of Neoclassical architecture line narrow, cobblestone-laden streets. This part of the city constantly bustles with a mix of tourists (definitely the most touristic...

Photo Friday: Camping in Tracy Arm Fjord

This week's Photo Friday brings you the "Glacier in Your Grill" campsite setup from my 2016 kayak trip into Tracy Arm Fjord, part of the Tracy Arm-Ford's Terror Wilderness Area just south of Juneau, Alaska. After finding a relatively flat spot to pull our kayaks out...


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“Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies.”

Diane Arbus

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