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(Yes, I know LOTR is also Lord of the Rings, but I’m claiming it anyway!)
I’ve had a penchant for travel as long as I can remember, but it has become the unexpected passion of my life. I grew up on the East Coast of the United States in a culture that emphasized a traditional career path: go to a good school, get a good job, make a lot of money, save that money, buy a big house, retire, play golf, etc. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just have always seemed to be looking for something else.
I was always seeking out adventure travel. When I was 13, I had the goal of moving to Colorado and being a “ski bum” after college (hell of an aspiration, right?). When I was 18, I continually sought adventure travel jobs, but never went through with it, always being a little too afraid to take the plunge. It wasn’t in line with what I “should have been doing:” Getting an internship to put on the resume to line up a good job after graduation.
By the end of university, I finally worked up the courage to do something different. After turning down a job with an insurance company, I applied for and accepted a position working with a social service organization as a part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest in Juneau, Alaska. What was intended to be a year turned into over four, and the traditional career path has since been all but thrown out the window!
After working for two years in destination marketing in Juneau, I decided to start this blog. Why? I desired to create a lifestyle for myself where I could be location independent and pursue my passions for the business of sustainability and social responsibility and travel.
What’s the point of visiting a destination if the manner in which you travel and businesses you spend your money visiting degrades the local culture and environment? I’ll be featuring businesses and destinations that are doing innovative things with recycling, renewable energy, locally sourced products or labor, and more. Where should you go to help create a net positive impact on the environment and people, as well as associated travel tips and opportunities for adventure and active travel.
LOTR’s first priority is providing the best, most accurate inspiration, information, and resources for sustainable and adventure travel. Given that this blog is how I make my living, I do work with travel brands through affiliate marketing, advertising, and sponsored content and freelancing. I will always disclose when I’m financially benefiting from content I produce or links I put on my site. Above all, my commitment to unbiased information comes first. If you’re interested in seeing how I work with travel brands or how I started this blog, check out my Work with Me or Blogging Resources pages.
I want to hear what questions about sustainable or adventure travel YOU want answered. Send me an email below to get in touch and start a conversation!
Photography, sponsored content, influencer marketing, product reviews and more. I can help your brand connect with our audiences on a deeper level. Let’s work together.
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